Collaborative Interaction


The Collaborative Interaction Corpus (CIC@NCSU) is a multi-modal data set generated from an experiment of 48 groups. The experiment was conducted by Dr. Joann Keyton, Professor of Communication, North Carolina State University, with funding from the Laboratory of Analytic Sciences (LAS). Paul Jones (, LAS, was the instrumentation lead. The experiment was designed to capture individual and group level influences on group members' decision choices. Persons participating in the experiment agreed to participate after reading/receiving an NCSU-required consent to participate in the research study.

The dataset will include audio and transcript files for each group discussion; a written draft and final report for each group member; and the instrumenter log, screenshots, and a video of the screenshots for each group member who independently searched the Web for information related to the task. These data may be useful for a wide range of secondary data analyses and research areas.

As data become available, they will be posted to this site. At this time (April 18, 2017) only the web search images (compressed; ~100 GB), a video of those images (compressed; ~ 4 GB), and instrumentation logs (compressed; ~ 1 MB) are available.

To access the data, email Dr. Joann Keyton ( including your name, credentials and institution, intentions for the use of the data, and a statement indicating that you have read and agreed to the stipulations (below) as described on the CIC@NCSU website.

I will:

  • (a) use the dataset only for the purposes specified in the research proposal;
  • (b) ensure that any results of analyses will not be disclosive or potentially disclosive in conjunction with other publicly available information;
  • (c) acknowledge the dataset and its source in any research report or publication and also state that the results and conclusions are your own and not those of Dr. Joann Keyton, the Department of Communication at NCSU, LAS, or NCSU (d) provide Dr. Joann Keyton with references to publications and other research reports based on this dataset.

I will not:

(a) make copies of the data;

(b) allow others to access the dataset;

(c) use the data for research purposes before it is checked for confidentiality by Eurostat (in case of access to secure use files)

(d) remove the data or any part of it (in case of access to secure use files);

(e) attempt to link the data to other (including public) datasets,

(f) attempt to identify any individual record (individual, household, business, etc.) in the dataset, or claim to have done so. I certify that I have read all of the above clauses, that I understand that I am accountable for correct and responsible use of the data and data access system, and that I understand that if I fail to comply with these clauses, my access to the dataset will be withdrawn and I will be liable to any other sanctions that may be determined by my research entity or are specified in the applicable civil or penal law.

Recommended citation: Keyton, J., & Jones, P. (2017). Collaborative interaction corpus. Retrieved from


  author       = {Joann Keyton and Paul Jones},
  title        = {{CIC}: {NC State} Collaborative Interaction Corpus},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  month        = May,
  year         = 2017