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Viewing Compliance Reports
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REPORTER Help Documentation for Compliance Admins

Viewing Compliance Reports

Access to Compliance Reports is dependent on the Compliance Admin role and which requirements the admin has access to Manage. Compliance Admins will have two primary reporting types available through their permissions -- By Requirement or By User. Through these reports, the admin is able to pull details about everyone under a single requirement, or by multiple requirements.

Overview of Available Reports

Interpreting Compliance Reports

Active and Archived Requirements

Active and Inactive Assignments

Requirement-specific reports

Primary Compliance Report

Compliance Status by Course

Assignment History

Compliance Email History

View Registrants not Assigned

Reports combined requirement records

Compliance by Requirement
Compliance by Participant 

Recommendation by Participant 

Related Resource:  Using "Participant Management"

Start section: Overview of Available Reports

Overview of Available Reports

In addition to having the ability to look up a specific participant using Participant Management, Compliance admins can also access the following Reports using the Compliance Reports page, located under the left side menu item for ‘Reports’.

The reports available for Compliance Tracking include:

Report Name

(click name to see more details)





Compliance by Requirement 

 Left Menu: Reports
> Compliance Reports

  • Overview of all requirements.
  • Data is per-requirement

Includes all of the requirements you are an admin of (including archived requirements), and summary numbers of the statuses that assigned users have.

Using the “View Details” option on this page, you can open the Primary compliance Report for the requirement selected.

Compliance by Participant 

 Left Menu: Reports
> Compliance Reports
> Compliance by Participant tab

  • Combines records across requirements.
  • Data is per-assignment.

Provides a full record of which courses and requirements a user is currently, or was previously assigned, along with details about the requirement.

Includes a ‘View/Export More Detail’ option that expands records to include job and student data. Those with multiple jobs/majors will have a separate row for each job record.

Recommendation by Participant 

 Left Menu: Reports

 > Compliance Reports

 > Recommendations by Participant tab

  • Combines data across multiple courses.
  • Data is per, with one row per person.

 List of all participants with recommendations to take a course that can be assigned via an existing requirement

Identifies completions that were prompted by a recommendation of a course instead of an assignment

Primary Compliance Report

Left menu: Compliance Administration

 > Manage Assignments

 > Double click requirement in list

  • Specific to one requirement.
  • Data is per person, with one row per person

Provides a list of all requirements with additional details of all participants who are assigned to the requirement. This report includes the same details found when managing assignments, but only active requirements are included when using the navigation

Includes a ‘View/Export More Detail’ option that expands records to include job and student data (Those with multiple jobs will have a separate row for each job record.)

Compliance Status by Course

Left menu: Compliance Administration

 >  Manage Assignments

 > Double click requirement in list

 > ‘View Status by course’ button

  • Requirement specific.
  • Breaks up the primary compliance report by each course in the requirement

Provides details about assigned users broken up by the courses they are required to complete. Also includes additional, course-related information, such as registration date.

Includes a ‘View/Export More Detail’ option that expands records to include job and student data (Those with multiple jobs will have a separate row for each job record.)

Assignment History

Left menu: Compliance Administration
> Manage Assignments

 > Double click requirement in list

 > History’ tab

  • Requirement specific.
  • A record is created anytime an assignment is updated .

Audit record of what has happened when, included assignments, unassign, due date changes, and compliance status changes

Each assignee will have multiple records, you can filter by a specific person to see what assignment activity they’ve had.

Compliance Email History

Left menu: Compliance Administration

 > Manage Assignments

 > Double click requirement in list

 > ‘Email history’ tab

  • Requirement specific.
  • Each email sent is recorded in history; if people are BCC’d there will be one row that identifies who all was BCC’d.

When managing assignments for a specific requirement, there will be a tab labeled "Email History" which includes a history of emails sent by REPORTER with the name of the requirement in the subject line.

Pulls emails based on the name of the requirement

View Registrants not Assigned

Left menu: Compliance Administration

 > Manage Assignments

 > Click once to select the requirement

 > ‘View Registrants not Assigned’ button

  • Requirement specific.
  • Data is per, with one row per person.

Identify everyone who is registered for courses included in the requirement but are not assigned to that requirement.

Users can be selected on the report and assigned.

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Start section: Interpreting Compliance Reports

Interpreting Compliance Reports  - (CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

As a Compliance admin you have the ability to view compliance records related to requirements you have access to.

When viewing records it’s important to note that a requirement can be “Active” or “Archived” and a specific user’s assignment can be “Active” or “Inactive”. If a requirement is archived, all the assignments will be inactive. If a requirement is Active, then only those who have been unassigned will appear as ‘Inactive’ assignments.

Common Report Fields

 If a requirement contains more than one course then:

An admin can select the View Status by Course button to drill into the report and see completion information for individual courses that make up the requirement.

Both reports contain the following fields:

There are a few report variations available to use depending on what your reporting goal, but the following fields are seen in most reports: is true for all reports:

Report Field Name and Description

Variation Notes


Reference to whether the Requirement is Active or if it has been closed out (note: Archived Requirements are no longer active)

Users are not considered actively assigned to a requirement once it is archived but the record that they were assigned, and the related details are saved and accessible.


Usually in reference to the assignment for an individual person. If active, they are still assigned, if inactive, the requirement is not longer assigned and/or active

Unassigned users will be inactive, and users assigned to now archived requirements will be inactive

Registration Status

Determined by Due Date, Previous Completions, and Active Registrations and reflects whether someone needs to register for or just complete a required course. This is shown to users and admins.

  • Complete: This portion of the requirement has been met.
  • Registered: You are registered for this course but have not yet completed it.
  • Action Needed: You have not yet registered for this required training.

If someone registers for an additional instance after completing a required course, the course will update to Registered, but the completion credit is not lost. If someone is Complete and there is a refresher cycle, this status will update when the user is Due within 30 Days, changing from ‘Complete’ to ‘Action Needed’.

Assignment Status

If a requirement includes more than one course, each course has a separate assignment status, and those statuses impact the overall requirement status

  • New Assignment: When something is first assigned, you haven't completed it, but the due date is farther than 30 days away
  • In Compliance: The required course(s) have been completed
  • Due within 30 Days: The due date is approaching and something has not been completed
  • Out of Compliance: The due date has passed and something has not been completed

If an assignment is “Inactive”:

  • If this status is Empty, the user is no longer required to complete that specific course.
  • If “Incomplete”, the user had not completed that course

Requirement Status (Often labeled just “Status”)

Indicates the user's course completion in relation to a requirement. The statuses seen here for Active Assignments are the same at the Assignment Statuses described above.

If a requirement contains multiple courses (or multiple course options) users will have a separate Assignment status per required course, plus an overall “Requirement Status”  for the requirement.

  • If the requirement includes alternate refreshers, or multiple course options for a single course credit, you may see additional records in reports corresponding to activity for each of the related courses that users have records for.
  • If a user has completed 1 of 2 two courses by the due date, one course will be in compliance but the other course and the overall requirement will be out of compliance.  If the courses within the requirement have different due dates, the nearest one will display. Status corresponds to the overall status for the requirement. If users have completed some but not all of the courses in the requirement by the due date, they will be out of compliance.

With Active Requirements:

  • If this status is Empty, the user is no longer assigned.
  • If “Incomplete”, the user was not in compliance when they were unassigned.

If the requirement has been archived:

  • An Empty Status indicates the user was unassigned before the requirement was archived.
  • Incomplete indicates the user was not “In Compliance” at the time of the archival.

Assigned By & Date Assigned

This will identify who identified the user as required, and on what date they were assigned.

If the requirement allows people to be assigned by their Supervisor, this field can be helpful to determine if someone was identified by a Supervisor versus being Identified by a Compliance Admin.

It should be noted that this person may be administrative support working on behalf of the training owners or compliance managers, and does not necessarily indicate who determined the person was required.

Additionally, if someone is assigned automatically by way of another system (example - Safety Checklist), you will see a specific person’s name even though they did not physically go into REPORTER and tag that person.


The code for the user’s department. If you hover over this number you will see the user’s supervisor. If the user has multiple jobs, hovering will show additional job OUCs.

If you View/Export More detail, there is a row per user, per job (so if you have 2 jobs the report will have 2 rows for you with one ouc on each).


The REPORTER System receives two data files from the Peoplesoft HR System on a nightly basis and those records are imported into the REPORTER system to be used for compliance and training management.

The two files include and result in the following:

One file includes all active employees and their general and contact information (including legal and preferred name).

Before importing the file, REPORTER changes the system value of “Active Employee” to be No for all users.

Then, the system will identify anyone listed in the file that does not already have an account in REPORTER (e.g. New Hires) and it will create their account.

Lastly, it will import the data for all persons, and change “Active Employee” to Yes for those listed.

The second file contains every active job record and a portion of the associated job data

Includes all job records, so if someone has multiple jobs, they will have multiple records, and each record includes the “Reports to” field

If there are multiple jobs, the primary job (the lowest “Empl Record”) is the only supervisor that gets notices

Student Data

Typically requires use of “View/Export More Details’

Pulled from SIS

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Active/Inactive and Archival Fields

Active vs Archived Requirements
As a Compliance admin you have the ability to view compliance records related to requirements you have access to. In those records, you have the option to view only ‘Active’ data, or to include ‘Active’ data and ‘Archived data’. Archived data will include anything the user was required to complete in the past even if the requirement is no longer active. This does not include unassigned requirements, just requirements that are no longer active.

While a requirement is actively being used and enforced, it will continue tracking user interactions as they relate to the requirement. When a requirement is no longer needed, (usually due to content changes or starting a new tracking cycle) it will be Archived in order to capture the completion data, assignment dates, and associated statuses. Once archived, the requirement is no longer enforced, and can no longer be assigned or unassigned, but you will still have access to reporting.

You can Identify is a Requirement and/or Assignment is Active or Archived via

Using the left menu navigation of “Reports” > “Compliance Reports” you can access a list of requirements that you have administration access for.

On the far right, you will see a column indicating whether the requirement has been archived, if ‘Yes’ the tracking for that training requirement has been closed out and is no longer actively assigned to users.

For example, below you have the option to view only ‘Active’ data, or to include ‘Active’ data and ‘Archived data’. Archived data will include anything the user was required to complete in the past even if the requirement is no longer active. This does not include unassigned requirements, just requirements that are no longer active.

More About Interpreting Archived Reports  - (CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Compliance Status:

  • Empty - The user was unassigned from the requirement before it was ever archived.
  • Incomplete - At the time of archival, the user was assigned but Out of Compliance
  • In Compliance - The user was assigned and met the requirement at the time it was archived

Most Recent Completion:

  • If there is a date, that is when the user most recently completed training related to the requirement.
  • If there is no date, the user did not have any completions related to the requirement

Due Date:

  • If the Due Date field is empty:
  • MRC is Empty - The User

If the requirement has been archived:

  • An Empty Status indicates the user was unassigned before the requirement was archived.
  • Incomplete indicates the user was not “In Compliance” at the time of the archival

At the time of Unassign Or Archival, as indicated by the Status --- the user had no completions counting towards meeting the requirement

User was unassigned prior to the requirement being archived. The data included is specific to the point in time that the user was unassigned.

User was Actively Assigned when the requirement was archived. Data included reflects the record at the time the requirement was archived.

At the time of Unassign Or Archival, as indicated by the Status --- the user had previously completed at least 1 of the required courses.

The user was due to complete training by this date.

At the time of Archival, the user had previously met the requirement but was Out of Compliance for the Refresher Due Date indicated

At the time of being unassigned, the user had previously completed at least 1 of the required courses

Record A: User was assigned at the time the requirement was archived, but had not completed training. The Incomplete status column indicates the user was identified as required at the time the requirement was archived.

Record B: User was assigned in the past, but was unassigned before completing the course. The Empty Status column indicates they were unassigned the requirement, and therefore had no compliance status when the requirement was archived.

In both cases, the “History” tab can be used to verify what occurred with a particular record.

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Active and Inactive Assignments:

While a requirement is actively assigned to a user, they will have a Due Date and Compliance Status that is actively tracked and updated based on related activity in the REPORTER system -- this may also include email notices, attention required notifications, and providing other data available to the assigned user with the indication of being required. So long as the assignment is active, the user will continue being tracked until they are unassigned, or the requirement is archived.

  • When a requirement is “Unassigned”, meaning a specific individual (or individuals) are removed from the list of who should be required to complete training, their assignment will change from “Active” to “Inactive”.
  • If a requirement is archived, all active assignments will become Inactive, as they are no longer being actively enforced/tracked through that specific requirement.

Using the left menu navigation of “Reports” > “Compliance Reports” you can access a list of requirements that you have administration access for.

From the ‘Compliance by Participant’ tab, you will also see a column on the far right for “Inactive” with Yes/No values.

In this report, the status is specifically in reference to the listed user and course.

  • if a requirement is actively assigned to someone, they will be ‘No’, meaning active
  • if ‘Yes’ the tracking for that training requirement has been closed out and is no longe

Assignment Status

If a requirement includes more than one course, each course has a separate assignment status, and those statuses impact the overall requirement status

  • New Assignment: When something is first assigned, you haven't completed it, but the due date is farther than 30 days away
  • In Compliance: The required course(s) have been completed
  • Due within 30 Days: The due date is approaching and something has not been completed
  • Out of Compliance: The due date has passed and something has not been completed

If an assignment is “Inactive”:

  • If this status is Empty, the user is no longer required to complete that specific course.
  • If “Incomplete”, the user had not completed that course

Requirement Status

Indicates the user's course completion in relation to a requirement. The statuses seen here for Active Assignments are the same at the Assignment Statuses described above.

If a requirement contains multiple courses (or multiple course options) users will have a separate Assignment status per required course, plus an overall “Requirement Status”  for the requirement.

  • If the requirement includes alternate refreshers, or multiple course options for a single course credit, you may see additional records in reports corresponding to activity for each of the related courses that users have records for.
  • If a user has completed 1 of 2 two courses by the due date, one course will be in compliance but the other course and the overall requirement will be out of compliance.  If the courses within the requirement have different due dates, the nearest one will display. Status corresponds to the overall status for the requirement. If users have completed some but not all of the courses in the requirement by the due date, they will be out of compliance.

With Active Requirements:

  • If this status is Empty, the user is no longer assigned.
  • If “Incomplete”, the user was not in compliance when they were unassigned.

If the requirement has been archived:

  • An Empty Status indicates the user was unassigned before the requirement was archived.
  • Incomplete indicates the user was not “In Compliance” at the time of the archival.

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Start section: Requirements Summary Report

Start section: Primary Compliance Report

Primary Compliance Report

The Primary Compliance Report is the overall report opened for a specific requirement to see who is assigned, what due dates they have, and what their compliance status is. The page will provide a variety of information, links for additional reports, and options for managing the records.

You can manage active requirements by using the left menu navigation: Compliance Administration > Manage Assignments > Double click requirement

To access this report for both Active and Archived requirements in REPORTER:

Select Reports from the left side menu, then select the Compliance Reports link. From there find the requirement whose reports you wish to view, select it and click the View Details button.

  • If a requirement has been archived, you will not be able to access this report through the  ‘Manage Assignments’ page  in REPORTER.

Once managing the requirement, you will immediately be shown the primary compliance report, but you will also have additional reports, features, and options available.

Compliance Report Information

*If the courses within the requirement have different due dates, the nearest one will display. Status corresponds to the overall status for the requirement. If users have completed some but not all of the courses in the requirement by the due date, they will be out of compliance.

Columns Included:

  • Last Name, First Name, Unity Id, Employee ID, Email
  • OUC (Job)
  • Date Assigned, Most Recent Completion, Assigned By, Due Date
  • Status
  • Has Note

Search Options:

  • First Name, Last Name, Email Address
  • Unity ID, Active NCSU Employee?, Active Student?, Employee ID
  • Department, OUC (4 digit), OUC (2 digit), Supervisor Email
  • Status, Assigned By First Name, Assigned By Last Name
  • Has Notes

**Note: If a requirement contains more than one course then:

  • Most Recent Completion will show the most recent date between the courses in the requirement
  • Due Date: If the courses within the requirement have different due dates, the nearest one will display
  • Status corresponds to the overall status for the requirement. If users have completed some but not all of the course in the requirement by the due date, they will be out of compliance.

Compliance Report Options

Export to Excel: Exports the rows and columns into a single sheet excel file.

View/Export More Detail: Opens a new page displaying more information about each participant.

Assignment Management Options

Show/Hide Search Fields: Displays advanced search options to find specific information.

Select all: Selects all of the users listed; you can use search fields to refine the list, then select all results.

Deselect all: Deselects all selected (Used to undo a select all)

Unassign - Send Email: Removes selected participants from the assignment and sends the participants an email.

View Notes: View notes of selected participants. For more information about the ‘Compliance notes’ feature please see the related documentation.

Email Selected Assignee(s): Sends selected participants a customized email.

Add Notes: Creates a customized note of selected participants

Additional Tabs in Compliance Report

In addition to the main compliance report, there are tabs in the report that provide more information about compliance history, as well as access to additional features.

These tabs include:

Overview of Assign/Register tab

Overview of notes tab

Start subsection: Primary Compliance Report - Detailed Compliance R

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Start section: Compliance Status by Course

Compliance Status by Course

The Primary Compliance report provides overview of assigned users and relevant details to summarize their overall association with the required courses. From the primary, or overall, compliance report for the requirement, data can be seen for users who are assigned to that requirement including their nearest due date, and their overall compliance status. However, if a requirement includes more than one course, Compliance Admins admin can select the View Status by Course button to drill down to see completion information for each of the individual courses that make up the requirement.

In order to see details broken down by the required course, and to see the completion status and dates per course, admins can select the “View Status By Course” option from the primary report page.

Status by Course will show a block for each course in the requirement:

Within that block you can see the associated compliance data for each user as it relates to that course.

Here you will be able to see if users have different due dates for each course, whether they completed any of the courses and when, and their compliance status as it relates to completing that course.

In each block you will see the following information for each user and each course:

If a requirement contains more than one course, you may need to drill down into the report to determine which portions of the requirement have been completed.

Start subsection: Compliance Status by Course - Detailed Status by Course

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Start Section: Assignment History

Assignment History

In the history tab you will see a record of each time a compliance record was created or updated.

Using the “Show/Hide Search Fields” button, you can reveal the ‘Actions’ dropdown search field which displays all actions that result in a record. If you search for a specific person, you will be able to see each time their assignment was updated.

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Start Section: Compliance email History

Compliance Email History

There are three ways users can receive emails about required training, including:

  1. As a result of specific user action in the system - click here for more details about these emails
  2. On a specific schedule and depending on requirement settings and assignee compliance status - click here for more details about these emails
  3. Manually sent by a Compliance Admin from the ‘Manage Assignments’ area (primary compliance report) - click here for more details about this option

When managing assignments for a specific requirement, there will be a tab labeled "Email History" which includes a history of emails sent by REPORTER with the name of the requirement in the subject line.

* Date Created and Date Sent will only be different if something was resent administratively, or was delayed due an outage or email server error.

Displays the history of all emails sent to participants within the requirement.

This will include:

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Start section: View Registrants not Assigned

View Registrants not Assigned

This report can be used to identify users who are registered for a course they are not currently assigned. That data can be used to determine users who need to be dropped and/or assigned.

The report is only available if the requirement is currently active, and is found in REPORTER via:

1).  Use the left side panel to expand Compliance Admin, then select the Manage Assignments link.

2).  From there you will click to select a requirement, then choose a button based on the actions you wish to perform.

3).  Click on the target requirement to highlight it,

4).   Once highlighted, click the button to View Registrants Not Assigned.

You will see a section on the left for each course that makes up the requirement. In that section is a list of all users who have registered for any instance of the course but are not assigned to the requirement. You can export these lists, search within them, and filter to use the ‘Select All’.

If you wish to assign any of the registered users to the requirement, click to highlight the desired users in grey (or use select all), and click the Add button. The added users will show on the right side of the screen.

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Compliance by Requirement Report (Summary Report)

As a Compliance admin, you are able to filter and find specific compliance requirements via the Compliance By Requirement tab.

When viewing reports by requirement, you will start with a list of all requirements you admin and a summary of the associated compliance numbers. These compliance numbers are categorized based on the assigned users’ compliance statuses. 

Users can select the Search button to display options that allows you to filter for specific requirements. If you want to view the compliance data for a specific requirement, double-click on it, or click to highlight in gray and select View Details.

This will open the compliance report for the requirement, which includes all users who are assigned to that requirement, their nearest due date, and their overall compliance status.

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Start section: Compliance by Participant

Compliance by Participant

As referenced in Step 4 under Reports, when you are viewing compliance reports, you can view by requirement or by participant. To view compliance records for a specific person, select the Compliance by Participant tab.

Start subsection: Compliance by Participant - Detailed Compliance by Participant

Detailed Compliance by Participant

Opens a new page displaying more information about each participant.

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Begin Section: Recommendation by Participant

Recommendation by Participant

If a course is contained by a requirement, it can be assigned; however, in addition to that, the course can also still be recommended by the course admins. As a Compliance Admin, you have access to see which users have been recommended to a course attached to your requirement.

Compliance Admins can see users who have been recommended to take courses in the requirements they administer by viewing the ‘Recommendation by Participant’ report which will include one row per course, per recommendation.

Full Help Documentation for this functionality is available here: Recommending courses

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Participant Management

Through the ‘Participant Management’ page, Course Admins and Compliance Admins can see and interact with multiple registrations and assignments for a single user in one place. Records and available options will depend on what access the user has been provisioned with their role.

Full Help Documentation for this functionality is available here: Using "Participant Management"

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FAQs - How do I pull reports related to Required Training?

Please note, that in order to perform any of these actions, you must be a compliance admin for the requirement.

I want to see who is registered for a course but has not been assigned the course

As a Compliance Admin, you have access to see a list of anyone who is registered for a course within a requirement, but who is not assigned to that requirement. This will allow them to see any users who may have registered for the course without being required to complete it.

  1. Log into REPORTER using the Unity ID Login option at
  2. From the left side panel, expand the Compliance Administration section and click the Manage Assignments link
  3. You will be brought to a list of requirements that you are a compliance admin for; click on the requirement you wish to assign so it is highlighted in red
  4. Select the gray View Registrants Not Assigned button

You will see a section on the left for each course that makes up the requirement. In that section is a list of all users who have registered for any instance of the course but are not required to complete it. You can export these lists, search within them, and filter to use the ‘Select All’.

Click here to see a video tutorial: View Registrants Not Assigned Report

I want to see who has been assigned training, when it’s due, and if they completed it

As a Compliance Admin, you have access to view reports for certain required training. You will be able to view, per requirement, all of the users required to complete the required course(s) and other details.

  1. Log into REPORTER using the Unity ID Login option at
  2. From the left side panel, expand the Reports section and click the Compliance Reports link
  3. You will see a list of requirements you are an admin for and some summary numbers associated to the users who are required to complete the training
  4. Click on the requirement you want to see the full compliance report for so it is highlighted in red
  5. Select the View Details button

This will open the compliance report for the requirement. If you click on the requirement name, you will also be able to see the details of the requirement, including which courses are required. For more details about the compliance report fields, view this help document.

I want to see who has been unassigned from training (it was once required but is no longer)

As a Compliance Admin, you have access to view reports for certain required training. You will be able to view, per person & per course, who has been unassigned from a requirement.

  1. Log into REPORTER using the Unity ID Login option at
  2. From the left side panel, expand the ‘Reports’ section and click the ‘Compliance Reports’ link
  3. Select the second tab labeled ‘Compliance by Participant’
  4. Search on desired terms. For example, you could select a requirement name from the dropdown
  5. Double click on the ‘Compliance Status’ column. Any users with a blank status (also marked as inactive), are unassigned users.

I want to see required training records for a specific person; including what is required, when it is due, and whether it has been completed

As a Compliance Admin, you have access to view reports for certain required training. Per the steps below, you will be able to see, per person and per course, what training is required by a user or set of users

  1. Log into REPORTER using the Unity ID Login option at
  2. From the left side panel, expand the Reports section and click the Compliance Reports link
  3. Select the ‘Compliance by Participant’ tab
  4. Enter search terms for your user and Search

The compliance records will display under the search fields. You will see a line for every course the users is required to complete that you are a Compliance admin for, and you can export the report.

I want to see all required training records related to users under a specific department/4-digit OUC; including what is required, when it is due, and whether it has been completed

As a Compliance Admin, you have access to view reports for certain required training. Per the steps below, you will be able to see, per person and per course, what training is required by a user or set of users

  1. Log into REPORTER using the Unity ID Login option at
  2. From the left side panel, expand the Reports section and click the Compliance Reports link
  3. Select the ‘Compliance by Participant’ tab
  4. Locate the OUC search field and enter your OUC
  5. Select the Search button, or hit enter

The compliance records will display under the search fields. You will see a line for every course the users is required to complete that you are a Compliance admin for, and you can export the report.

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For questions or additional information you can view our support site at or you can contact us at